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Dog Blood Glucose Test Strips are Designed Specifically for Your Furry Friend!


If you are having a pet at home and that furry friend is very close and adorable to you, then you also need to take proper care of the dog. You might be giving the pet good food and arranged better place for the pet to sleep and dwell. But do you really know that your dog has also the chance to suffer from diabetes? Sometime we think that we are giving the pet proper food. But it’s not the case always. Improper foods and lack of exercise can make the dog dull enough. With a dull life, the chance for the pet to suffer from diabetes can remain enhanced.

Dog Blood Glucose Test Strips
Dog Blood Glucose Test Strips

· In case of these symptoms, do the test right away

If you see that your dog is becoming thirsty or urinating frequently, then these can be the symptoms of diabetes. And that’s the time when you have to do the diabetes test for the pet instantly. You must not delay this! Dog blood glucose test strips are coming to the market. Get a pet glucometer instead of using the glucometer that is used to test the blood sugar level of humans. Collect the sample to test and use the test strips to know the blood sugar level of your pet.

· Delivers accurate reading

While having these dog diabetes supplies, you can easily, safely and conveniently do the diabetes test for your pet at home. There is no need to visit the vet time and again with your dog to know the pet’s blood sugar level. Glucose strips for dogs can be easily availed online now. These test strips are going to make the test less or no painful and also delivers accurate result.


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1325 Pico St # 101, Corona, USA, 92881

Operation Hours

11AM - 4PM



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